
Rocco Marvaso

zur Zeit mit Rikscha von München nach Mailand unterwegs, um dort ein Rikschataxi-unternehemen anzuregen...


Rocco Marvaso was born in Genoa (Liguria) in 1979 and he lived until 18 years old between Genoa and a small town in southern Calabria, Cittanova. He attended a school preparating for scientific highschool, but after the maturity begann to study in the lokal Academy of fine Arts in Genua.

2000-2001 lived in Munich and attended the lokal akademy of fine arts. He got finish to study in 2003 and begann to make perfect copies of old paintings in Germany and Italy. from 2003 lives in Münich.

2004 he sang and played guitar in his CD "K¸chengesänge" with songs from different old italian traditions.

2005-2006 he works in an atelier in the Domagkstrasse.

He said that "Kunst ist Können und Kennen".



Selbstportrait mit Maus


kalabresische siebenschläfer
carcassa di riccio
scimmia antropomorfa